Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mary Jo Kilroy and The $13 Trillion Hangover

Within a few short hours the national debt will soar to a new milestone high: $13,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion--with a "t" and if you tried to plug that number into a standard calculator it wouldn't fit). I remember driving to some forgotten high school banquet years ago and watching the odometer on my car change to what seemed like a milestone number. It was exhilarating to watch so many 9's turn into so many 0's in unison. We should feel anything but exhilaration as the debt clock strikes $13,000,000,000,000. We're hitting a staggering new low as we reach that all-time high: a new low in the economic prospects for our future and a new low in the government's ability to keep us safe.

We've been driven to this point by an irresponsible Congress that's addicted to spending. They're like drunks on a bender. Every day Members of Congress are at the bar of special interests buying rounds for every entity in sight--top shelf stuff if the entity has a Wall Street address--and when everyone is good and sloshed Congress points a finger over at the public and tells the bartender (who's a Chinese central banker, by the way) to send us the tab.

Congresswoman Kilroy: On a bender

Like all good alcoholics, Members of Congress tell us self-serving lies to make their relationship with us easier. They set "debt limits" (artificial ceilings on how much the country will borrow) as if to say, "We're just going to have a few drinks. We won't embarrass you--we won't let you down." Sure enough, by the end of the party, there they are: face-down in a puddle without their dignity. Apparently, during the course of the night they saw fit to raise the debt limit. Our Congresswoman Kilroy has already done it twice in her short time in Congress.

During election years they even promise to quit their out-of-control spending. But it's always the same convenient, familiar (and ultimately empty) promise. There's never an actual plan to cut spending, just as Congresswoman Kilroy doesn't have a plan (she's still searching for a clue). Her recent quote in the Columbus Dispatch would be comical if it weren't so sad: "We always wanted to keep a close eye on spending."

Golly, if only she'd been in a position to do just that... like say if she had a seat in Congress! Oh wait....

She's like an alcoholic dad explaining to his kid why she missed his soccer game for the latest in a series of countless absences. "I wanted to be there. It's just...." and then the unspoken I like drinking too much. The Congresswoman likes spending too much. Nobody knows what a $13 trillion hangover feels like, but thanks to Ms. Kilroy we're about to find out together.

It's closing time, Congresswoman. Last call is in November.