On May 14, 2009 Congresswoman Kilroy co-sponsored HR 2404, a resolution in the House of Representatives which, if passed, will order the Obama Administration to develop and execute an exit strategy for the war in Afghanistan, the country which hosted Osama bin Laden as he planned the September 11 attacks on our country. A few months later, in the run up to President Obama’s 30,000 troop surge, Ms. Kilroy stated in the Columbus Dispatch that “
So to recap: Kilroy in May: PULL OUT! Kilroy in September: SURGE!
What does Congresswoman Kilroy have to say right now? Apparently nothing. In the Columbus Dispatch’s coverage of the House debate on Kucinich’s resolution most
Her silence is but the latest in an ages old political game the Congresswoman and her ilk like to play of trying to have it both ways. Ms. Kilroy is in bed with the anti-defense far-left: She’s sponsored a resolution directing Defense Secretary Gates to outline an exit strategy for the war in
Congresswoman Kilroy is torn. She has backed herself into the unenviable position of needing to appease both her ultra-liberal masters and her allies in the Obama Administration. The conflict has left her ineffective and sinking in a mire of indecision.
The inconsistency of her positions has left those of us in her district unable to fathom how Congresswoman Kilroy genuinely feels about protecting us from the terrorists who wish to do us harm. What the Congresswoman has made perfectly clear is that she lacks resolve and will bend to political pressure on any and every issue—even our nation’s safety and security.
Congresswoman Kilroy is sending the wrong message to the terrorists. Through her actions she is exhibiting that our commitment to winning the war on terror is as fickle as the political winds.
Thankfully, the man challenging Kilroy in the upcoming 2010 election, Lt. Colonel
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